Affiliates Overview

Add, Edit, Manage Affiliates

Updated over a week ago

Affiliates are any contact connected to a voucher that does not receive commissions. This will include the "Bill To" and tenant, as well as owner, management, attorneys, additional brokers, etc.

Locate Existing Affiliate

If you have previously used an affiliate, they will be saved in the field drop-down to be easily added to future vouchers.

  • Choose the "Select Affiliate" to open drop-down

  • Use Search option OR Scroll through list to quickly locate affiliate

  • Select your affiliate and details will be added to affiliate tab

Quick Add

If the affiliate you are searching for is not already in the drop down list, it is easy to quickly add a new affiliate directly in the affiliate tab of a voucher.

  • Select the "Add New Affiliate" button at the bottom of the affiliate tab

  • Complete the required fields: Company Name & E-mail Address

  • Include additional details to store affiliate data in an easily accessed location

  • Save and now affiliate will appear in drop down list

Add or Edit Affiliate

View, add, and edit affiliates in a centralized location.

  1. Open Settings

  2. Select Affiliates

  3. To Add an affiliate - choose "New Affiliate" in top right corner

  4. Complete fields to include all affiliate details

  5. To Edit existing affiliate - choose "Edit" on right hand side to review and update

  • Company Name & E-mail are required for all affiliate types

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