Dashboard Overview

CommissionTrac's Dashboard offers an at-a-glance overview of some key metrics for your firm

Updated over a week ago

Dashboard Overview:
The CommissionTrac Dashboard provides a high level overview of key metrics with in a brokerage.  For more detail, hover your mouse over a specific graph and see the exact number pop up.  
Each one of the dashboard items has a corresponding report with more detail and filters in the Reports Module.  
***New in October 2019***
Click on the title of any tile in the Dashboard to automatically pull up the corresponding report with the Dashboard's filters pre-selected.

Dashboard Charts:

  1. Revenue By Charge Category
    See a bar graph showing the year to date totals of the Brokerage House Net, itemized by Charge Category.  This is based on deposits posted, rather than active vouchers.

  2. Revenue Per Month
    See a bar graph showing the year to date House Gross totals, broken out by month, and detailing House Net and Agent Net by color coding. This is based on posted deposits.

  3. Current & Aged Receivables
    See a circle graph illustrating which aging buckets hold your current Receivables amounts, based on active vouchers.  The Total Receivables amount is listed directly under the title of this chart, then broken into the circle graph by how outstanding the debt is.  In this section you can choose to exclude Outside Agent Amounts for a better picture of the house's expected gross revenue.

  4. Agent Gross YTD
    See the year to date total agent gross revenue in bar graph form for the top 6 grossing agents in your firm.   This is based on deposits posted, not active vouchers.

  5. Future Revenue Receivables
    See a bar graph of expected revenue based on active vouchers.  You can choose to show future receivables by upcoming year, or by upcoming month.  This will show the upcoming 5 years or 5 months, depending upon selection.  This view does include past due balances.

  6. Top Current & Aged Receivables
    See a list of the 8 vouchers that hold the largest outstanding current/past due balances.  This section lists the voucher name and the primary agent on the voucher, as well as the total amount owed.

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