Revenue Per Month Report
Updated over a week ago

Review Revenue (deposits received and posted) broken out by Agent Net and House Net, listed by Voucher and grouped by Month for the current year. This report can be printed, saved as a PDF, or saved as an Excel file.


There are currently no filters for this report.  It reports on current year data.  This report corresponds directly with the center top tile on the management dashboard.


This report generates four columns of data, with one page for each month of the current year in which deposits are posted. 

  • Voucher: Lists Voucher ID and Name to which the deposit was applied

  • Month: Shows the Month that the deposit date reflects

  • House Net Amount: Shows House Net amount generated by deposit(s) in given month for listed Voucher

  • Agent Net Amount: Shows Agent Net amount generated by deposit(s) in given month for listed Voucher

Each page totals both the House Net and Agent Net Amount columns.  A final page reports the YTD totals as well.

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