Cash Receipt Report
Updated this week

Show payment distribution for checks received/posted within the selected date range or for specific vouchers.  This report can be printed, saved as a PDF, or downloaded to Excel.


  • Start Date/End Date (required): Use these fields to indicate desired date range for your report. This filter refers to the Transaction Date of the deposits. 

  • Bank Account:  Indicate which Bank Account that you would like to generate this report for

  • All Vouchers (required): Use the drop down field to select one or multiple vouchers to run the report for only those deals.  Put a checkmark in "All Vouchers" to run the report for all Vouchers with Deposits posted within the selected Date Range


This report generates 8 columns of data, with each line reporting the distribution of the deposit to the voucher, on a line-by-line basis.  Deposit distribution is grouped into Voucher sections, with the Voucher ID and Name being reported in bold at the top of each section.

  • Date: Shows the date of the Deposit

  • Ref No: Indicates the Reference Number from the Receivables Ledger of the line item being reported

  • Payment Description:  Reports the system-generated description of the line item being reported.  This will generally say, "Payment for Charge [Voucher ID]-[Reference Number of Charge that Payment was applied to] of [Date of Charge]"

  • Deposit: Shows the Deposit Number of the line being reported

  • Check No:  Shows the Check Number of the Deposit/payment received

  • Category: Shows the Charge Category of the charge line item to which the deposit was applied 

  • Receipt Amt: Reports the amount of the Deposit that was applied to the line item being reported

  • Check Amt: Reports the total amount of the Deposit that was applied to this Voucher.  If the Deposit was applied to multiple Charge line items in the Voucher then the Check Amount total column will be blank until the last line item reported, and then the Total amount applied to this Voucher will be reported.  This may not match an actual Check Amount if a check was received that was applied to multiple vouchers.

This report totals under the Receipt Amount column.

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