Lease Expiration Report
Updated over a week ago

Generate a report to review all Vouchers for leases with Expiration Dates within a selected date range.  This report can be printed, saved as PDF, or downloaded to Excel.


  • Expiration Start Date/Expiration End Date(required): Use these fields to filter for deposits by date range.  CommissionTrac is looking at the Voucher's Expiration date for this filter.

  • Bill To: Select one or several Bill To entities for which to filter this report.  Leave this blank to run for all Bill To entities.

  • Tenants: Select one or several Tenants for which to filter this report.  Leave this blank to run for all Tenant entities. 

  • Agents:  Select one or several Agents for which to filter this report.  Leave this blank to run for all Agents.

  • All Vouchers (required): Use the drop down field to select one or multiple vouchers to run the report for only those deals.  Put a check mark in "All Vouchers" to run the report for all Vouchers with Expiration Dates within the selected Date Range.


This report will generate seven columns of data, with each row representing a single Voucher.

  • Voucher Name: Shows the Voucher name for which this row is reporting data

  • Tenant Name:  Shows the Tenant listed on the Voucher

  • Exp Date:  Shows the Expiration Date on the Voucher

  • Sq Ft: Shows the Square Feet for this Voucher.  Numbers in this column with an asterisk (*) indicate Acreage. 

  • Rent/Month: Reports on the rent/month from the Voucher.  This is showing the first line of Rent Roll data so may not represent the Tenant's current rent numbers if there way any escalation in the course of the current Lease.

  • Rent/Sq Ft:  Reports on the rent/square foot (or acreage) from the Voucher.  This is pulling from first line of Rent Roll data so may not represent the Tenant's current rent numbers if there was any escalation in the course of the current Lease.

  • Total Commission:  Reports the total commission from the Voucher.  This is a reporting of the total of the invoicing schedule.

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